Thursday, January 20, 2011

Slow Down The Aging Process

If you are like me, you are constantly checking your watch.  Not the one on your wrist but your life watch.  The years creep up on us and then one day they are no longer creeping, but instead they are flying by.

Since you are checking your life watch, you are probably looking for ways not only to improve your health, but to slow down the aging process so that life watch keeps ticking long into triple digits!

This is the reason I got excited when I discovered:  Reset Your Biological Clock, written by Dr. Al Sears, M.D.  Maybe, if you are in fact like me, you will likely get excited about it too!  If so, read on......

Stay Active, Vital & Energized
Work hard, play hard and keep doing what you love well into your 80s, 90s or 100s.
That’s not wishful thinking – it’s a medical reality. With new breakthrough technology, you can stay active and keep moving like a 50-year-old right through the age of 100.
You’ll find the keys to this rejuvenation in Reset Your Biological Clock, the revolutionary new book from renowned integrative physician and natural health expert Dr. Al Sears, M.D.
He reveals an exciting breakthrough that can enable you to turn on your anti-aging genes and reduce the effects of 10 to 20 years of aging. Find out how you can look 30% younger … reverse your genetic clock and recreate the body you had in your 20s …
If you want to stay independent and do more than you ever thought you could, click here to get started…Last year, the Nobel Prize in Medicine was awarded for something you probably haven’t heard about. Researchers discovered the primary cause of human aging – the long-sought-after “genetic clock” – and how to halt aging in its tracks.
Dr. Al Sears has been involved in this cutting-edge technology since its beginning.
You can now use this Nobel Prize to knock years off your age and live healthier and longer than ever before. Read below to discover how to turn back your genetic clock, reverse the aging process, overcome fatigue and look years younger...

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Stretching For Ideal Health

New year, new methods to explore in regards to getting in shape. First, let me say I've never been a fan of "going to work out". I've got nothing against the gym or health clubs for others, my husband goes religiously, and loves it. For myself, however, give me the great outdoors or if the weather says otherwise, the privacy of my own home.

I also prefer something easy. Not easy as far as physical exertion, but easy meaning not a lot of equipment or gadgets to mess with. I prefer to stretch, do some yoga and then exert myself either in an outdoor activity or workout.

I recently discovered a method of working out primarily using stretching to leverage maximum results in your work out. This coincides with my belief that everything feels better after stretching. The first thing I do in the morning is stretch and begin my day better because of it.

In this DVD by Naturecast Products stretching is the basis of the workout.  It teaches you how to maximize your work outs using stretching as opposed weight resistance, but at the same time building strength, muscular definition as well as range of motion and flexibility.  Another advantage that appeals to me is the relaxation and  peace of mind that results from stretching.

The program is written by and taught a personal trainer, I thought it would be kind of nice to have a personal trainer in my home from time to time, without paying those fees, of course!

I signed up for the free newsletter from Naturecast Products and look forward to reading more about improving my health.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Are New Year's Resolutions A Waste Of Time?

Approximately 40 to 45% Americans take a stab at making at least one New Year's Resolution each year.

Not surprising the most common resolutions are weight loss, smoking cessation and more exercise.

Unfortunately almost half of these resolutions are all but forgotten once the six month mark approaches.

Improved health, what ever your perception of that may be, is often achieved by taking baby steps and setting goals at the beginning of a brand new, fresh year is a great time to start.

Sometimes baby steps, while making the task of reaching a specific goal more time involved, can in fact ensure that a goal is reached simply because it no longer appears as an overwhelming, daunting task.

I have set several resolutions to achieve a better level of ideal health and while each year I might slide back on some of my resolutions, I really feel that at the conclusion of each year I come out healthier, more balanced and a better me than when I started.

When I don't fulfill my full resolution, do I feel like I fail? Nope. The only time I feel like I fail is when I quit trying to improve anything about myself at all.

Where do you stand on New Years Resolutions? I'd love to hear from you.