Saturday, November 22, 2008

The Sunshine Vitamin

Winter is here, for some it's been here for a while, arriving quite early this year. Winter brings many things, skiing, snow boarding, lighting a fire, hot cocoa, snow balls and snow men. It also brings less sun light.

Having grown up in Michigan I know what it's like to truly experience winter. I also know what it's like to high tail it south because of that experience. The hardest part of winter that I can personally relate to is the lack of sunshine. I remember days upon endless days of little to no sunlight. Endless gray and cold. The lack of sunlight and the depression that results from it has been discussed and studied for many years. More and more I keep reading that we can experience Vitamin D deficiency as a result of too little sun, most often occurring in the winter.

You see the most efficient way for our bodies to absorb Vitamin D is through sunlight as opposed to milk or even supplements as previously thought. Vitamin D deficiencies can lead not only to weak bones, but high blood pressure, cancer, diabetes and several auto immune diseases, particularly muscular dystrophy. Studies have revealed that cities with limited sunshine, Seattle WA, for example have much higher rates of those suffering from MS than cities that receive more sunlight.

So what do we do during these months of limited and often times non existent sunlight? Even those of us who live in milder climates experience limited amounts of Vitamin D absorption in the winter as UV rays are much weaker than in warmer months. Well the next best thing, researchers say, is supplements. The RDA for adults varies with the rule of thumb being 400IU per day, with many researchers and doctors claiming we need a much higher dosage, particularly during the winter. Do your research to determine the best amount for you.

In the spring when the sun reappears and regains it's warmth along with more intense UV rays, what about the risk of skin cancer? A good question no doubt with all the attention skin cancer has received in recent years. We have now been taught to slather on the sunscreen and cover up before exposing ourselves to the sun's harmful rays. Now we are discovering the sun is once again our friend. Well researches say that just fifteen minutes on your face, arms and legs each day can provide you with enough Vitamin D to sustain a healthy body and help prevent disease. So get outside, put your face to the sun and get yourself some Vitamin D. If you live in a climate that is suffering from sun deficiency, get outside as much as possible, take your Vitamin D supplements until our friend, The Sun, returns with the crocuses.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Apple Cider Vinger, Natures Miracle?

Even though I'm in the business of selling wellness products, I love a good old fashioned home remedy and am constantly searching for "new" old school practices before taking myself or family to the doctor or taking a drug whether it's prescription or over the counter. I have come to believe that a pillar of Ideal Health is to maintain an alkaline PH. Scientists believe an acidic body leads to many illnesses and disease. That is why I take Coral Calcium every day, and try to eat more alkaline than acidic foods. This prompted me to write the post "The Oldest Woman In The World" and share some of what I have learned.

Well I have to share another great way towards achieving an alkaline body as well as a plethora of other health benefits. Apple Cider Vinegar can help you on your way to a much healthier body. I was skeptical at first as I had previously believed that vinegar was very acidic, however Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) has the opposite effect. A teaspoon one to three time per day can also help in the following ways:

Acid Reflux, Acne, Athletes Foot, Blood Pressure, Night Sweats/Hot Flashes, Water Retention, Hiccups, Weight Loss, Wart Removal, Ear Infections, just to list a few.

I can tell you in my household, in the couple of months or so we have been using it, it has stopped acid reflux in it's tracks, hiccups countless times, improved digestion, and cured a nasty case of swimmers ear. I'll have to get back to you on the weight loss. Studies indicate that Apple Cider Vinegar can assist in losing weight gradually. An example of what the studies revealed was an average height woman weighing 210 lbs, taking 2Tsp before each meal over a two year period lost 30lbs while changing little in her diet and exercise routine. While it's not clear how ACV helps us lose weight, it is believed that a combination of increased metabolism, reduced water retention and appetite suppression is what contributes to shedding stubborn pounds.

Don't think you can stand the taste? No problem, that strong, bitter taste can be mellowed by mixing with water, or mix it with 1 Tsp honey and a little water. Before you know it, it actually becomes quite tasty, although my kids don't share my opinion on that! It is necessary to use an organic ACV that has not been pasteurized, filtered, refined or distilled. Once processed, the vinegar looks pretty, but all the good stuff has been removed. Organic ACV can be purchased at a health food or vitamin store. This cost is very reasonable, especially when factoring in the health benefits. I spend just over $5 for for a quart which lasts my family of five about four weeks.

In my quest to achieve Ideal Health, in addition to adding Coral Calcium to my drinking water each day, taking the correct vitamins and supplements, making an effort to eat more alkaline foods, I also drink my yummy cocktail of ACV and honey. To read more about this amazing home remedy go to:

Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Oldest Woman In The World

I want live forever. OK maybe not forever, but at 52 I find comfort in thinking my life is no where near half over. So I'll settle for let's say 120 like Shigechly Izumi, who I will get back to in a minute.

One arena of Alternative Health that is getting more and more attention is our bodies PH level and more specifically achieving an alkaline state. It is believed that bacteria, viruses and disease can not live in an alkaline state.

Our diets play an extremely crucial role in this as foods are obviously either acidic, neutral or alkaline. Hence the more alkaline foods we consume, the more alkaline our bodies become. This concept sounds easy enough until you look at the number of acidic foods out there versus alkaline foods. To see a chart that lists both acidic and alkaline foods, go here. It is a challenge, particularly for those of us who are in the process of improving our eating habits. The good news is that in order to achieve a more alkaline body, you need to eat more alkaline foods than acidic foods rather them completely eliminating the acid foods. Even better news is in addition to improving your diet, you can more easily reach a state of alkalinity when you make the water you drink more alkaline by adding Coral Calcium to it.

Following is part of an article taken from Nutronix International about Coral Calcium and my role model on aging, Shigechly Izumi.

The Oldest Man in the World
The demonstrably oldest man in the world was Shigechiy Izumi. He lived on Tokonoshima, an island that
belongs to the Southern islands of Japan. In 1980, when the head editor of Guinness Book of Records visited
this man he also found that almost all of the old people were full of vigor, upright, fit and healthy. When Izumi
passed away in 1986 he was almost 121 years old.

Japanese researchers in the mid 1900's discovered the reason Okinawans live so long and are so healthy is
due to the unusually alkaline and mineral rich water they drink from birth. Okinawans have the longest life span
and one of the lowest incidences of chronic disease.

Medical Research has inspired 7 million Japanese to add Coral Calcium to their drinking water because of its
remarkable ability to boost the immune system and to help many ailments by balancing the body's pH level.

Some benefits of alkalizing the water you drink with Coral Calcium are:

Assimilate vitamins and minerals from the foods you eat and the supplements you take
Combat arthritis and heart disease
Cleanse the kidneys, intestines, and liver
Protect your body from free radical cell damage
Increase muscle and joint mobility
Increase your oxygen levels
Control digestive problems
Regulate blood sugar
Manage blood pressure
Neutralize harmful acids that lead to illness
Help in fighting the battle against cancer and other diseases

Since I began adding Coral Calcium to my drinking water each day and improving my diet, I have significantly improved my PH level. The benefits have been an improved digestive system, no acid reflux, a drop in my blood pressure and hopefully many more benefits that are unseen but will help assist in extending my life span to compete with Shigechly Izumi.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Coming Soon....

Ideal Health Solutions has relocated. This blog is in a state of transition while Ideal Health's new home is constructed. Thanks for stopping by and visiting. Check back often to see our work in progress.

We look forward to bringing you the latest information to improve your health, naturally.