Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Living Healthy But No Energy?

We are repeatedly told if we eat right, get plenty of sleep and exercise regularly we will have plenty of energy.

So in the spirit of self improvement and our effort to seek ideal health, that's exactly what we do.

And then we discover we are exhausted. Our energy levels are not registering or if they are they are found on the negative side of the scale.

What in the world are we doing wrong? Are we wasting our time doing what we are told?

No, you are not wasting your time. Eating right, getting enough sleep and exercise does, in fact, bring us countless benefits that go towards enjoying ideal health. However.....

As far as energy levels, there are other factors to consider. What could be the source of your energy level resembling that of, say a tortoise, is that you are deficient in Vitamin B12.

Vitamin B12 plays a key role in the production of the chemicals that determine, among other things, your energy level!

You see, as we age it becomes more difficult for our body to absorb the necessary amount of B12 through digestion. Overtime, our B12 level decreases and one symptom that reveals this is a decreased energy level no matter how healthy we are living.

The good news is, there is an effective B12 supplement that is calls B12 Sublingual. The word sublingual means literally "under the tongue" and that is where this tiny little supplement is placed and left to dissolve. By dissolving as opposed to swallowing and left for the stomach to digest, the energy boosting B12 is absorbed much quicker into your system.
Once you begin taking B12 Sublingual, you'll be amazed at how great you feel.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Read This Before You Take Yet Another Antibiotic

Deadly MRSA superbug has 50 percent mortality rate in hospital patients
A recent Henry Ford Hospital study revealed that a new strain of Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), the deadly bacterial "superbug" that becomes resistant to many antibiotics, is five times more deadly than other previously-seen strains. Fifty percent of patients who become infected with the new virulent strain die within 30 days; other MRSA strains kill only about 11 percent.

Called USA600, the new strain possesses uniquely noxious characteristics that researchers are linking to the significantly higher mortality rate. Study findings were presented at the 47th annual meeting of the Infectious Diseases Society of America in Philadelphia.

Typical MRSA strains are problematic because they are resistant to virtually every available antibiotic drug. Most MRSA infections are allegedly treatable with vancomycin, a powerful intravenous drug, but the new USA600 strain has proven itself to be nearly impervious to the drug.

Deadly MRSA strains typically take hold on a person through skin and blood infections, as well as through surgical wounds. While predominantly contracted in health care facilities like hospitals and clinics, the disease is now starting to make the rounds in otherwise healthy people in the outside world.

Experts are associating the increased resistance of deadly MRSA strains to the over-prescription by doctors of antibiotics for all sorts of conditions that do not need them. According to Joel Fuhman, an M.D. from New Jersey, studies show that 90 percent of antibiotics are prescribed for viral diseases, against which they have no effect.

When antibiotics are prescribed needlessly for conditions like a child's ear infection, which is viral rather than bacterial, they do more harm than good by killing off the child's beneficial bacteria. As a result, the child's immune system is weakened making them more susceptible to developing other illnesses and being prescribed more antibiotics.

Europe's Centre for Disease Control warns that if excessive antibiotic use is not curbed, antibiotics will become all but useless and modern medical procedures like organ transplants and neonatal care for babies will no longer be possible.

Modern medicine must also reawaken to the incredible power of colloidal silver in stopping harmful bacteria, viruses, and fungal infections. Studies show that there is virtually no bacterial strain resistant to silver's powerful antibacterial effects. When developed properly for therapeutic use, colloidal silver packs a punch unlike any other antibiotic.

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