Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Vitamin D From Sunlight

Spring is here for most of us and with the onset of spring comes the opportunity to get out and enjoy the sunshine. Often we equate that to more activities, acquiring a suntan, planting flowers or a garden.

Another way to enjoy the sunshine comes with the added bonus of enjoying better health. Woman Standing on a Sunny Beach Wearing a Sarong and Hat

Studies continue to show that absorbing even a few minutes of sunshine each day is the ideal way to boost Vitamin D levels.

Experts agree that this FREE vitamin is crucial to enjoy good health and has been shown to significantly reduce the risk of cancer, diabetes and high blood pressure. We are all aware it promotes good bone health, but it's also been shown to combat both chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia. An added bonus is that regular doses of sunlight has been show to greatly reduce depression.

Worried about the warnings of skin cancer? Some believe the warnings have been overstated, but that aside, it's believed that short doses of sunlight will produce a high enough level of Vitamin D without overexposing the skin to harmful damage from the sun.

So take a few minutes today and feel the warm sunshine on your skin. At the same time feel yourself getting a little closer to ideal health!

Want to read more about the benefits of Vitamin D from sunlight? Visit:
Time in the Sun: How Much Is Needed for Vitamin D?


Powerblock Dumbbells said...

Cool! Sunshine in spring is very enjoyable for me. The benefits are bonus.
Powerblock Dumbbells

The Diet Solution said...

awesome! an essential vitamin - Totally free. Moreover enjoyable.

Consumer Aloe Safety said...

It's a good idea for Vitamin D, and i think if we be Consumer Aloe Safety and I've been doing a lot of research on aloe benefits. I've found some good sites like and, but I'm wondering if you have sites you'd highly recommend?"

Kathy Garolsky said...

Thanks for sharing this.I enjoyed reading it.Thanks

natural deodorant said...


Great information in this post and I think an added bonus is that regular doses of sunlight has been show to greatly reduce depression.