Recently my husband discovered a small, tender spot on the bottom of his foot. At first he thought it was the result of a glass lid I managed to drop on the kitchen floor and shatter into approximately a millions or so glass slivers. That would have been preferred to the large and extremely painful planters wart he suffered from for over a month.
If you have landed on this page, perhaps you are experiencing similar agonizing pain yourself. We tried OTC "cures" from the local pharmacy and a few home remedies that didn't do much good.
I decided to get serious with this and find a remedy that would send this nasty thing away for good. Here is what first ended the majority of the pain and then eventually eliminated the Plantars Wart
First we soaked his foot at least once per day in hot water in a foot bath. I then added about a quarter cup of sea salt, a quarter cup of baking soda and 8 drops of Tea Tree essential oil to the foot bath. He soaked his foot as long as possible, but a minimum of fifteen minutes each time.
While a foot bath probably wouldn't be absolutely necessary, it sure did help to keep the water moving and these three pain saving ingredients circulating to work their wonders on his foot!
Jason Natural Organic Oil, Tea Tree, 1 oz
The purpose of using the Tea Tree Oil (Melaleuca Oil) is because of its anti-virual properties as Plantars Warts are caused by the HPV virus.
Sea Minerals Dead Sea Bath Salt - 1 lbs
My reasoning behind using the sea salt is it's believed that sea salt draws toxins out of the body. I use it regularly in our bath water for that purpose as well as its ability to act as an antiseptic. The baking soda raises the alkalinity of the water. It's believed that viruses do not thrive in an alkaline environment. Baking soda and sea salt have been used together for hundreds of years to create a detox bath, surely it would help with this? My husband swears that the unbearable pain began to subside once we began these foot baths and after a couple of days he would remain almost pain free until he was on his feet for an extended length of time.
After each foot bath, I applied Bee Propolis directly to the Plantars Wart, covered it with a large bandage and wrapped tape around his foot to ensure the bandage stayed put until we were ready to change it again.
Bee Propolis is a sticky substance that is naturally produced by bees to protect the bee hive from the elements as well as to protect from bacteria, disease and parasites from entering the hive. The health benefits that we can reap from bee propolis are many, including success in eliminating Plantars Warts for good!
Montana Big Sky Propolis - Extra Thick Tincture, 0.5 oz
1 comment:
sounds smart to me - I have psoriasis and they can be so painful - I swim everyday in a mineral salt water pool. It really helps keep the psoriasis under control and keeps my skin very soft. Not to mention how much the swimming helps keep my back strengthened and helps manage the pain of 5 back surgeries. Nice to read your blog
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