Once again MRSA (staphylococcus aureusis) is in the news. CNN tells us that MRSA could soon kill more people annually than AIDS. Currently MRSA affects over 100,000 people annually in the US alone.
MRSA, a strain of staph infection, is resistant to antibiotics, therefore earning the title of Superbug. MRSA is typically contracted in hospitals and is highly contagious.
To prevent the spread of MRSA, health care professionals recommend washing hands often and to eliminate sharing anything that can transfer bacteria to others, for example soda cans, water bottles, wash cloths etc.
An alternative choice, colloidal silver, is available and has been clinically proven to kill staph infections including MRSA. Following is a portion of an article about a study that proved colloidal silver's ability to eliminate MRSA:
To read the rest of this article, click here.March 31st, 2006 - Brigham Young University, Salt Lake City, UT Noted Molecular Biologist and Microbiologist Dr. Ron Leavitt, Ph.D. has recently conducted tests to determine the ability of American Biotech Labs' nanoparticulate Silver Solution to destroy pathogenic microorganisms. His testing results against many of the world's most virulent pathogens were outstanding, including the scourge of institutional infections, staphylococcus aureus.
Staphylococcus aureusis the bacteria that causes infections in millions of Americans annually, killing more than 100,000 every year. The nano-silver product killed this highly contagious bacteria in minutes. Dr. Leavitt's findings were so definitive that he stated, "There are no potentially pathogenic bacteria tested that this nano-particulate engineered Silver Solution has not killed."
Silver Solution has been tested at 200 times the normal dosage rate and has not been found to be toxic even at this extreme dosage. This, combined with the bodies resistance to conventional antibiotics as well as the side effects experienced by some, makes colloidal silver a growing alternative choice to many people opting to live their lives more naturally.
Click here to read another article referencing studies on colloidal silver.
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