Wednesday, January 28, 2009


I want to give kudos and a shout out to my BFF, otherwise known as my husband.

He took the BIG STEP and quit smoking. He is on Day 11 and going strong. I am an ex-smoker, having quit almost twelve years ago and even though it's been a minute, I can well remember what it's like taking the BIG STEP. Like many people, it took me several failed attempts before I quit for good. The key to successfully quitting, in my opinion, is you have to be ready and in your mind know you are going to succeed. You can't do it because someone else is nagging you to do it, or giving you an ultimatum. You do it for you.

So my BFF after mentioning hundreds of times that "it's time to quit", but continued to purchase that last pack, casually asked me to pick up a box of "the patches" during my weekly grocery outing. And he quit. Just like that, because he was ready.

If you are a smoker, you too will know when your time has arrived. I truly hope that day comes for you. The health benefits and rewards are endless.

Read more........

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