Approximately 40 to 45% Americans take a stab at making at least one New Year's Resolution each year.
Not surprising the most common resolutions are weight loss, smoking cessation and more exercise.
Unfortunately almost half of these resolutions are all but forgotten once the six month mark approaches.
Improved health, what ever your perception of that may be, is often achieved by taking baby steps and setting goals at the beginning of a brand new, fresh year is a great time to start.
Sometimes baby steps, while making the task of reaching a specific goal more time involved, can in fact ensure that a goal is reached simply because it no longer appears as an overwhelming, daunting task.
I have set several resolutions to achieve a better level of ideal health and while each year I might slide back on some of my resolutions, I really feel that at the conclusion of each year I come out healthier, more balanced and a better me than when I started.
When I don't fulfill my full resolution, do I feel like I fail? Nope. The only time I feel like I fail is when I quit trying to improve anything about myself at all.
Where do you stand on New Years Resolutions? I'd love to hear from you.
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