Believe it or not, Malaria is alive and well in many parts of the world. So well it kills approximately 2.7 million people each year and between 350 and 500 million new cases are reported each year.
It's sad that this entirely preventable disease is flourishing primarily because of economics, a lack of the necessary funds to eradicate this often lethal parasite.
The areas of the world that are primarily affected are the sub-Saharan areas of Africa. The most impoverished countries in the world. One country in particular, Ghana, shares some startling statistics:
Malaria is the number on cause of death in Ghana
25% of children who die in Ghana before their 5th birthday, die from Malaria.
The good news is there are programs and efforts out there to help eradicate the devastation of Malaria.
Great strides had been made in the use of mosquito nets impregnated with insecticide. Like anything else, the nets come at a cost and unfortunately countries like Ghana don't have the economy to sustain a full out assault to supply enough nets for those who need them. To learn more about helping those less fortunate with mosquito nets, please visit this website:
Another area that has been extremely effective in actually eliminating Malaria is the use of colloidal silver, particularly The New Silver Solution. Because of the effectiveness of colloidal silver use to eradicate Malaria, Nutronix International has spearheaded a campaign called Save A Child.
Through its relationship with Nutronix International, the "Save A Child" campaign will get the New Silver Solution, to the people in the world who need it the most, the children in Africa, beginning in the country of Ghana. As far as can be determined, The New Silver Solution is the only product available in the world today that eliminates the disease causing parasite from the blood and does not just put the disease in remission.
You can purchase a bottle of The New Silver Solution for $10 and donate it to the "Save A Child" campaign. Nutronix International will match your purchase with a second bottle, so your gift will save the lives of at least two children.If you would like to help Save A Child from Malaria, after you click on the link below, go to Products, then Save A Child. Thank You for participating in this very necessary program.
Please Link Me To "Save a Child"
To learn more about Malaria, please visit: Save A Child From Malaria
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