I have never been a believer in diets. The Adkins, South Beach, grapefruit, low fat, low carb, no carb, this pill, that pill. Find me the diet that is both effective and SAFE.
Well, it appears the New England Journal of Medicine and Frank Sacks of the Harvard School of Public Health actually agree with me (that's a joke in case it slipped by you).
The study led by Frank Sacks followed 800 overweight adults for two years. The group was placed on four different diets ranging from low-fat/high-carb to low-carb/high-fat diets. Regardless of which diet group members were placed into, they all lost the same amount of weight, which was 13 pounds the first year and 8 pounds the second year.
One could conclude from reading this study that the common sense approach of Consume Fewer Calories Than You Burn really works.
Just think of all the money that can be saved not to mention the self deprivation from foods truly enjoyed that we can still consume on a moderate basis.One could conclude from reading this study that the common sense approach of Consume Fewer Calories Than You Burn really works.
To read more about common sense diet strategies that really work, click here.

One final bit of advice that is key to weight loss: don't forget to exercise.
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