Monday, February 9, 2009

Baby Steps to Better Health

Have you been meaning to start working out....tomorrow? How about those extra pounds, been thinking about that too? Sometimes just following simple basic principles can go along way to improve and ensure better health.

While a full out assault is a great way to approach an exercise program or improved eating habits, for some lifestyle changes can be so overwhelming that we quit before we begin.

Following are some common sense practices that can start us on a path to ideal health.

Eating Healthier

  • Introduce new, healthier foods into your diet gradually.

  • What we eat is often times a habit and habits take time create. Begin by eliminating chips for lunch and instead adding one fruit or vegetable. Once this habit takes hold introduce another healthy item while banning an unhealthy one. Over time you will realize you really don't miss those chips and cookies after all.

Portion Control

  • Used to seconds on the mashed potatoes? Don't want to give them up? Then don't. Limit yourself to one serving and eat some extra vegetables. You are reducing some of your calorie intake and increasing your vegetable servings all at once.

Hydrate with Water and Only Water

  • It really works. If you are not drinking the recommended eight glasses per day, start today.
Soda Junkie?
  • Do yourself a favor and research what the stuff does to you. Also don't kid yourself and think about switching to diet soda, it's just as bad if not worse. Many so called "energy drinks" are just sugar in a bottle. Think water and start gradually eliminating soda, sugary juices and "energy drinks" from your daily drinking habits. You will see results fast.

Whoever said "getting started is the hardest part" was absolutely right.

Whoever said "I'll start tomorrow" was telling a lie!

If this is you, and so many of us fall into this category, start slow, but start NOW.

  • Can't touch your toes? Keep trying until you do.

  • Can't make it to the mail box without getting out of breath? Take two trips a day, then challenge yourself to do more.

  • At every parking lot you go, park in the last parking place and walk.

  • Walk around the block. Then walk around the neighborhood.

  • Start an exercise routine, anything at all for 10 minutes at a time and increase that by 5 minutes increments over time.
Reward Yourself

With every accomplishment, no matter how small, celebrate your victory. Keep your rewards healthy!

Of course you have taken baby steps, but the steps have all been in a forward direction. Before you know it, you will see and feel the results. You'll be running full speed ahead in no time.


Anonymous said...

all great advice, but im curious about the diet sodas. what do you think about diet rite pure zero sodas? 0 carbs, 0 sugar, 0 calories, etc. there must be something bad about it.

Home Based Angell said...

Hi Arlene - Thanks for commenting. Watch for my next post....I'll explain it all.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the great tips.