My youngest daughter is one of those little kids who immediately acquires a runny nose and nasty cough the minute the weather cools off. It drags on and on. One bout of flu like crud is almost gone and presto, there it is again. Bigger and badder than it's predecessor. And so we go, on and on.
A couple of weeks ago I was reading a blog, Heart Failure Solutions Carrie, the blogs author wrote a very informative post on the harmful effects of using cough medicine. When we cough, it is our bodies way of getting all the nasty stuff out. We then turn around and suppress it with cough medicine and defeat the bodies purpose of naturally curing itself. To read more about the harmful effects of cough medicine and more useful information, visit Heart Failure Solutions
Now back to my hacking daughter. In her post about cough medicine, Carrie recommends applying Vicks Vapor Rub to the bottom of your feet, putting socks on and getting a good nights sleep. We tried this and incredibly her cough was much improved after the first night and completely gone after the second night.....and hasn't returned. This child who has drug a runny nose and cough around with a box of Kleenex for as long as I can remember is now cough free.
No doctor visit, no prescriptions for drugs with multiple, harmful side effects and a healthy child at last. This home remedy is going to remain on my Top Ten Favorite List of Home Remedies for a very long time!
I am definitely going to try this on my daughter. She has the same lengthy cough every time it gets cold.
Oh my goodness! Your story brings tears to my eyes! I am always saying that sleep is magic, but your story is the best testimony for sleep I have heard in a long time!
Your poor little daughter must have been really suffering for a long time, unable to sleep when her cough starts, she just couldn't heal! After giving her a couple good nights sleep, her immune system was ready for the fight! Now your little fighter can give life a run for its' money!
Many blessings,
What a wonderful story. My mom put Vick’s Vapor Rub on our chest when we were small. I am going to get some for any future coughs. Now I know to put it on the bottom of my feet.
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