Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Oldest Woman In The World

I want live forever. OK maybe not forever, but at 52 I find comfort in thinking my life is no where near half over. So I'll settle for let's say 120 like Shigechly Izumi, who I will get back to in a minute.

One arena of Alternative Health that is getting more and more attention is our bodies PH level and more specifically achieving an alkaline state. It is believed that bacteria, viruses and disease can not live in an alkaline state.

Our diets play an extremely crucial role in this as foods are obviously either acidic, neutral or alkaline. Hence the more alkaline foods we consume, the more alkaline our bodies become. This concept sounds easy enough until you look at the number of acidic foods out there versus alkaline foods. To see a chart that lists both acidic and alkaline foods, go here. It is a challenge, particularly for those of us who are in the process of improving our eating habits. The good news is that in order to achieve a more alkaline body, you need to eat more alkaline foods than acidic foods rather them completely eliminating the acid foods. Even better news is in addition to improving your diet, you can more easily reach a state of alkalinity when you make the water you drink more alkaline by adding Coral Calcium to it.

Following is part of an article taken from Nutronix International about Coral Calcium and my role model on aging, Shigechly Izumi.

The Oldest Man in the World
The demonstrably oldest man in the world was Shigechiy Izumi. He lived on Tokonoshima, an island that
belongs to the Southern islands of Japan. In 1980, when the head editor of Guinness Book of Records visited
this man he also found that almost all of the old people were full of vigor, upright, fit and healthy. When Izumi
passed away in 1986 he was almost 121 years old.

Japanese researchers in the mid 1900's discovered the reason Okinawans live so long and are so healthy is
due to the unusually alkaline and mineral rich water they drink from birth. Okinawans have the longest life span
and one of the lowest incidences of chronic disease.

Medical Research has inspired 7 million Japanese to add Coral Calcium to their drinking water because of its
remarkable ability to boost the immune system and to help many ailments by balancing the body's pH level.

Some benefits of alkalizing the water you drink with Coral Calcium are:

Assimilate vitamins and minerals from the foods you eat and the supplements you take
Combat arthritis and heart disease
Cleanse the kidneys, intestines, and liver
Protect your body from free radical cell damage
Increase muscle and joint mobility
Increase your oxygen levels
Control digestive problems
Regulate blood sugar
Manage blood pressure
Neutralize harmful acids that lead to illness
Help in fighting the battle against cancer and other diseases

Since I began adding Coral Calcium to my drinking water each day and improving my diet, I have significantly improved my PH level. The benefits have been an improved digestive system, no acid reflux, a drop in my blood pressure and hopefully many more benefits that are unseen but will help assist in extending my life span to compete with Shigechly Izumi.

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