Monday, June 22, 2009

An Alternative Approach

Alternative Medicine or Naturopathic Medicine is based on the belief that the body can heal itself. Sounds simple enough, doesn't it?

Yes, the body can certainly heal itself if it's in a natural state or environment, but can it heal itself when it's in an unnatural state?

When we routinely pump unnatural substances like soda's, artificial sweeteners, nicotine, processed foods, over the counter and prescription drugs (all are synthetic), refined sugar and flour, tap water that is chlorinated, air that is polluted....

Wait let me catch my breath...never mind I can't my lungs are too full of well...everything that shouldn't be there and not enough of what should oxygen.

Think about it.

Do our bodies really stand a chance if we continue to put garbage in and no garbage is coming out?

When I first began thinking about this concept I was confused. Afraid. Definitely unsure where to turn. Until I began to really research. I mean really look beyond TV ad's and "news" shows.

You can too.

Don't rely on the news you are fed. Go looking for some answers.

Ask yourself some thought provoking questions.

For example: If drugs really cured us of our illnesses, where would be drug companies be besides out of business? Do they really want us to get better?

What about doctors? If we weren't stacked up in their waiting rooms waiting to be cured and "treated" with drugs, would they have enough business to sustain the lifestyle to which they have become accustomed?

If we were healthy with simple cures and best practices that helped us lead a natural life would insurance companies be profitable?

Ask yourself who turns the wheels of your health? Is the answer the bottom line on a profit and loss statement?

Think about it. Is that who you want holding the end result of your good health in their not so objective hands?

So what can you do?

Well, first read. Your curiosity to something brought you here, didn't it? Read and read some more.

Here are some best practices to start with:

  • Eat raw, fresh foods as much as possible.
  • Read labels on processed food, educate yourself as to what some of this "stuff" is.
  • Drink filtered or bottled water, then drink some more.
  • Look for alternative natural solutions to the synthetics you have become used to.
  • Think about cooking from scratch instead of a box, microwave container, or eating fast food.
  • Read and research a little more every day.
  • Find the right natural supplements so you may obtain a higher level of ideal health.
  • Build a healthy immune system to prevent your body from becoming sick.

Start making small changes every day. Before long you just might see those timid baby steps you started out with become long confident strides moving toward ideal health, naturally!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Are All Colloidal Silvers The Same?

Considering the tremendous increase in people turning to alternative natural healing for a huge number of illnesses and ailments, it’s important to research the various products available on the market today.

Colloidal silver is no different. There are many different brands of silver to choose from and not all solutions are created equal.

While some solutions might be available in the same concentrations, the results they produce often vary dramatically. For example, one silver product might claim their silver can inhibit the growth of E.coli, but yet another silver (The New Silver Solution) has been shown to kill E. coli. Considering the effects E.coli has on the human body, up to and including death, it appears most of us would want to choose the silver solution that kills this nasty, often lethal bacteria.

Another important area to consider is the tests that have been (or not been) performed.

Have these tests been conducted by the company producing the product or have they had extensive independent testing?

Has a product been tested for toxicity and if so up to what dosage?

Is the product patented?

Has the product been approved by any outside associations or government agencies?

Testimonials are another way to find out about a product. What success have others had using colloidal silver and for what issues.

Our health, particularly our good health, is imperative to living a quality life. Pursuing alternative solutions to achieve good health is a huge step. It’s crucial to make wise informed choices when selecting which products to use.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Swine Flu Update

BY MARIA CHENG and FRANK JORDANS, Associated Press Writer Maria Cheng And Frank Jordans, Associated Press Writer

GENEVA – The World Health Organization told its member nations it was declaring a swine flu pandemic Thursday — the first global flu epidemic in 41 years — as infections climbed in the United States, Europe, Australia, South America and elsewhere.

In a statement sent to member countries, WHO said it decided to raise the pandemic warning level from phase 5 to 6 — its highest alert — after holding an emergency meeting on swine flu with its experts.

The long-awaited pandemic decision is scientific confirmation that a new flu virus has emerged and is quickly circling the globe. It will trigger drugmakers to speed up production of a swine flu vaccine and prompt governments to devote more money toward efforts to contain the virus.
"At this early stage, the pandemic can be characterized globally as being moderate in severity," WHO said in the statement, urging nations not to close borders or restrict travel and trade. "(We) remain in close dialogue with influenza vaccine manufacturers."

On Wednesday, WHO said 74 countries had reported nearly 27,737 cases of swine flu, including 141 deaths. Read More

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

What Is Colloidal Silver?

Considering all the media coverage of the Swine Flu or it's more recent name of H1N1, the growing threat of the Superbug MRSA's resistance to antibiotics. Combine this with the fact an estimated 43 million people are living without health insurance, it's no wonder so many of us are turning to alternative natural healing.

An increased interest has been realized in the use of colloidal silver to treat bacterial infections as well as a plethora of viruses.

The first question many people ask is: "What exactly is colloidal silver?"

Well first, plain old silver itself kills bacteria. Think of the silver pails that cow's milk goes into or a silver spoon that goes into the proverbial wealthy baby's mouth which actually happened in Europe during the plague. Even early settlers in America would throw silver coins into their wells to keep the water bacteria free and potable. Now fast forward this thinking and picture Band-Aids recent marketing campaign. Yep, silver is the solution to fighting bacteria. Just Google Curad + silver and see the results.

Now you see from very early times to current times silver has amazing healing qualities. The good news is we don't have to stop at bandages. Colloidal silver is simply nano (massively small) particles of silver suspended in water. These particles are so small they don't settle, or loose their molecular identity. They just hang suspended in the water or solution waiting to go to work providing you with natural healing.

When ingested, these particles go to work in our bodies killing bacteria and viruses so we may enjoy health naturally. Bacterial organisms need a supply of energy to live, the silver blocks this energy supply and the bacteria or virus is no longer able to survive.

Colloidal silver kills an astounding 650 or so strains of bacteria and viruses. A conventional antibiotic kills approximately a half dozen or so. Not much of a comparison is it?

Combine these advantages with the fact that some colloidal silvers are non toxic even when tested thousands of times above the normal dose with no adverse side effects. Perhaps you can now see how using colloidal silver to treat countless varieties of bacteria and viruses allows us to enjoy good health naturally.